Friday, March 25, 2011

Attitude Lessons from Wyoming

This week I am traveling throughout Wyoming visiting with members about the future of their Grange. I am enjoying the time traveling with my wife, seeing some country I’ve never seen before, and meeting people who are dedicated Grangers.

Attitude is what I’m noticing. A few tell of the trials and tribulations of the Grange and some state to me why they can’t be successful. But others are excited to hear that the National Grange is concerned and wants to help their Grange be successful.

Some of the most positive ones that I’ve spoken with are the ones that others said were not interested in the Grange. Once again the lesson that we cannot assume what others think has been reinforced on my mind.

Wyoming Granges have a way to go, but from the people I’ve met I have no doubt that they will achieve success in the future. Whatever they accomplish will be due to a positive attitude that they share with others as they work together.

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