Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Independence Day Should Remind Us of Our Duty As Citizens

It is a special thing to be an American Citizen. We are blessed to live in a country where a person can achieve whatever they are willing to work for in education or career. We are a nation governed not by men or women, but by laws that apply to each person equally. Every person is entitled to their own opinion and can voice it as loudly as they choose. We can join together with others to worship, to accomplish civic causes, or simply to spend some relaxation time.

For those of us who were born as Americans, we should be grateful and amazed as we watch so many in the world trying to enter our nation and become citizens. We should not be complacent about, or take for granted, what this unique nation stands for.

The fourth of July, Independence Day, should be a day that reminds us of our duty as citizens.  We should be informed and involved.

Being an informed citizen includes understanding who we are as Americans and what our history is. 237 years of history is a lot of knowledge, but every citizen should understand why our founders broke from England and what it cost in life and treasure. What was manifest destiny? What were the major causes of our Civil War? Woman’s suffrage, civil rights, and so many other issues that our nation had to work through, need to be understood. It isn’t history, it is how we became who we are as a people.

I would not presume to say any group of people are more or less patriotic, but consider the fact that rural Americans volunteer at the highest percentage rate for joining the military. 

It is our duty as Americans to be involved. We should vote, but do our research and form our own opinions before doing so. We should be involved in the party of our choice and work to influence them. We should give back to others by giving of both time and money. Joining organizations, such as the Grange, becomes a powerful way of giving back for what we have, as well as paying it forward to the next generation.

I believe that the Declaration of Independence should be read in public every year and then we should spend some time discussing with our youth what it means. It doesn’t take men and women in black robes to tell us what it means, it is right there in black and white.

Being an American is a blessing and confers upon each of us great privileges, rights, and duties.  So many today, speak of the privileges and rights. This year let’s reflect upon the duties as well.

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