Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Grange Motto and Grange Month

In Essentials, Unity
In Non-Essentials, Liberty
In All Things, Charity

The Grange motto consists of just these ten words. This first day of Grange month, it seems appropriate to start with the Grange motto. These few words are a great way to start explaining the Grange to those who don’t know who we are.

Think about the first line, “In essentials, Unity”. When I think of essentials and the Grange, the vision of a group that puts personal integrity and shared values ahead of disagreements is what pops into my head. The core belief of our shared principles and values serve as the common ground to bring liberal or conservative together. We come together to both morn losses and celebrate successes because we are united through the Grange. A group of people, family by any definition, who care and aid each other to reach their full potential is true unity and essential.

The second line, “In Non-Essentials, Liberty” is truly American. Even while united by common cause, each member is free to follow their own path in their own pursuit of happiness. What church to attend, or not; which political party to belong to, or not; how to live your own life belongs to each of us alone. Liberty is the freedom to choose what to buy, where to go, what causes to support, and who to hang out with in our free time. The non-essentials are the material aspects of life, the raucousness of American politics, and so many other things that consume our precious time. It isn’t that these things are not important; it is a reminder that each of us has the liberty to indulge in the non-essentials as we choose to do so.

The motto ends with “In All Things, Charity”. Charity is giving of our valuable time to benefit others. Charity is giving of our abundant resources to causes seeking great things. Charity is giving the benefit of the doubt to those who disagree with us. America is one of the most giving countries every to exist. We open our wallets and hearts or we lend a hand to those needing help. Yet our motto is in all things, not just material or physical help. Grangers don’t call people names when they disagree with them. Grangers seek first to educate and lift people up rather than to chastise those who make mistakes. 

I hope that every Grange member will reflect upon our Grange Motto during the month of April. Share with someone what the Grange motto means to you and let Grange month become the moment that you add a new member to our Grange family.

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